Monday, January 16, 2012

Tot School: B

Letter B Week!
Focus Words: Butterfly, Ball & Banana
G is 21 Months
The good news, we touched on all of our focus words and completed all the activities I'd hoped to! The bad news, Tot School was nothing like it normally was because G's Grandma was visiting this week. (So a good reason to slack a little bit.) With the new attention around, G didn't really focus on her printable book much. But, with having another person here to talk to her vocabulary JUMPED this past week. She now gives a go at sentences. (Usually starting with "more" and ending with "please". Love it!!!)

When I sat down to do this post I found out I didn't get many shots this week. In fact I have none from the last day when our focus word was Banana. Which is just as well, because she really wasn't feeling any type of structure that day. (So maybe, on an unconscious level, I didn't want proof of our half hearted attempt.)

Working on her tot book,

Our letter B craft was an ink blot butterfly.

In hindsight I really should have not used white "B"s on an off white paper. I ended up going back over the "B"s with a black marker after the paint dried. I, however, did not get a picture of the finished product.

I came across the idea for "Ball Painting" here.
This was our rendition:

Please, please, I beg you...Don't judge me by my ensemble

I really think she cared more for just dunking the balls in all the different color paint.
It was messy fun.

My Favorite Shot This Week

The camera really wasn't out much. I LOVED having my mommie visit, but it completely threw me off of the norm. Most of the pictures I took, were before she arrived. That just happens to be when I captured this little gem:

Using her truck to haul raisins. Duh. Isn't that how everyone transports their dried fruit?

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1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the idea of ball painting...messy, but looks like alot of fun!!
