Monday, November 7, 2011

Tot School: Green & Leaves

G is 19 Months Old
This weeks theme: Leaves, Fall & Green
(because it's just now starting to feel like fall here - and even then most the leaves are still green.)

It is getting more & more difficult to take pictures during tot school activities. As G is getting used to the routine of tot school, she likes me to be more involved. Coloring with her, doing the projects with her. Which is great, I love it. But if I stop for 2 seconds to take a picture things will start ending up on the ground. She's quick. But here is what I WAS able to capture this week.

Activities at Home

She received a new toy from one of her Grandma's. She loves this thing.
She's gotten pretty good at it too.

I don't usually let her take out her bucket of tot school 'toys' and just go buck wild. One day she insisted and this is the mess than ensued.

We put leaves on the tree, using this printable from 2 Teaching Mommies Leaves Unit.

We tried leaf rubbing, with some leaves we gathered earlier in the week during a walk.

But it just turned into a coloring session...

In fact, most things just turned into a coloring session. Hey, the girl knows what she likes!

The leaf & scarecrow sheets are ones we received during a previous visit to Excel by 5.

New Words

Me - Probably because her favorite book this week has been Incredible Me. (I love the book too!)

My personal favorite - 'Goooo Giants!'

Mommie's Favorite Photo

There's nothing spectacular about this shot, just my little girl's first time Trick or Treating...and she LOVED it. So much so, the next morning I had to explain we can only go door to door to get candy one night a year.

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  1. My son (20 months) also loves that shape sorter toy. You seem so organized with your Tot School! Very impressive! We are trying to get back into it now that's it is getting colder again and we'll be getting out of the house less.

  2. I looks a lot more organized than it feels somedays, trust me! ;)
