Monday, November 21, 2011

Tot School: Fall

G is 19 months old
This Weeks Theme: Leftover Week!
(We didn't really have a set theme, just some left over fall projects & printables.)

I didn't manage many pictures this week. The week started out with a lot of activities outside the house (a visit to Excel by 5, and a playgroup meet up at a local bounce house place). I didn't get any pictures during this fun, because we discovered our small digital camera was damaged after it jumped out of my purse, and I feel so awkward bringing my DSLR to the types of places we went. Typically, when I discover something has happened to one of my cameras, or pictures accidentally get deleted, I get mopey & take a camera sabbatical. Hence not a lot of pictures this week.

Tot School Activities

Coloring is still a huge hit around these parts. I actually started leaving out some coloring pages & crayons in her little desk trays. Throughout the day she would periodically go color and then move on to other things. I think she appreciated a bit of the independence.

Pushing pom poms through different size openings on a recycled restaurant cup.

Using the Lakeshore Color Discovery Boxes to sort objects into the correct colored boxes.

As she was sorting, if she was heading into the wrong direction I would say " that red?" She would giggle and put the toy were it belonged.
I've now caught her saying that to herself as she does her puzzle or plays with her shape sorting toy. If she picked the wrong slot she'll say "Noooo" and then go to the right place.

Gluing tissue paper leaves.

In true up cycling form, we then used her artwork to decorate an empty bread crumb tube to mail some pre-Thanksgiving, Christmas cookies.

(Mom, if you're reading this, you can look for this in a mailbox near you soon.)

How She's Growing

We are definitely jumping head first into pretend play around here.

Dress up has been something she's enjoyed for awhile.

Now, much to my delight, she's really started taking an interest in her dolls.
We even bought some toy baby bottles, after her Minnie Mouse took a mouthful of sippycup juice the other day.

This shot cracks me up, cause I'm pretty sure every mom has had a late-night feeding, or two, like this.

Favorite Books

G is really into animals & their sounds. G didn't really give us much of a chance to read many books other than Say What? and Baby Says Moo

Mom's Favorite Shot

Look at how curly this girl's hair can get!!!

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