Monday, June 10, 2013

Establishing Roots

I've found the whole owning our home and dreaming about future decoration & renovation projects a bit overwhelming at times. There are conversations that I've had to abruptly end, telling the hubby I just couldn't think about it anymore.

But the one area I can't stop thinking & dreaming about is our yard and the growing potential it has. 
The arrival of baby #2 was not so conducive to starting a garden this year. Nor had we really decided on where it would go; we'd owned the house for over 3 months before we finally started to see green things growing anywhere.

There are many random plants I am looking forward to digging up. Though watching things spring from our yard has been exciting. Like opening a present everyday! 

Thanks to the generosity of family, we are able to set down some roots this year.

And it makes me very happy.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

We're Baaaaaacckkkk!

Third time's a charm. Right?

My plans are to make this space somewhere to document life. Plain & simple. As it is.
I don't know that I'll get around to posting every week (what with the new house, the 3 year old and the baby due any time now....). But it'll be here. For you and for me.

For now, to catch everyone up, some of my favorite pictures of the year.

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