Monday, December 5, 2011

Tot School: Going With It

G is 20 Months Old
This Weeks Theme: No Theme!

Between cooking my first Thanksgiving dinner, planning out Christmas things and deciding what activities to do for Tot School during December, I didn't really plan much for this week. It got lost in the shuffle. However, it ended up being a nice relaxing week. As I thought of something to do, we went with it. It was a lot of fun! I'm really going to try and take that approach more & more. It worked for us.
Here are pictures of what I managed to capture this week.

I found some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (her favorite show!) stickers at the Dollar Tree. Each sheet had red, green, blue & yellow stickers. Here she's placing the yellow sticker on the yellow square.
(And with each sticker she'd declare who was on it too!)

Once she'd placed all the stickers on the squares, we counted to see how many of each color there were.

The one thing I need to concentrate on is getting some more tot "tray" activities for G.
Here I took an empty Parmesan cheese container and some pipe cleaners.
I especially like this because she can put the pipe cleaners through the holes......

...then open the other side and dump them out!

It's been chilly this past week, even to the point that Miss G - who has to go outside at least twice a day - didn't want to spend much time outside. (She'd go out for 5 minutes, then come back in.)
So we were inside more than we have been. We made a fort/blanket & pillow nest in the living room.

She got comfy and played with her Tag Jr.

How She's Growing
G is a total tomboy & girlie girl at the same time. It's fun to watch this little personality start to shine. When she's speaking more, I can't even begin to imagine the things that will come out of her mouth.

Speaking of speaking...her words are coming too fast for me to keep track of anymore. It's typical now for Tyson to ask me "Do you know what she's saying?" Most of the time...not so much. But every now and then you catch a word or sentence and think " really just said that!"
Just this week she walked up the stairs by herself (no climbing, foot over foot) and exclaimed "I did it!" at the top.

She's also starting to say her name, which I thought would take awhile.
(It's not an easy one for little tongues!)

Mom's Favorite Shot(s) of the Week
I could not pick one picture this week. So I picked 3. They're all of her out on the playground, her favorite place. And they all capture her personality, perfectly!
(The last 2 are outtakes from Christmas pictures...hence the outfit.)

(This one makes me laugh, she's practicing her modeling skills.)

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